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Home » Proyectos de investigación » ¿Es la pigmentación de la piel en humanos un rasgo antropológico con valor adaptativo?
Título: ¿Es la pigmentación de la piel en humanos un rasgo antropológico con valor adaptativo?
IP: Santos Alonso Alegre
Resumen del proyecto: The adaptations to the environment that we humans have endured along our evolutionary history tell us about our own capability to face environmental challenges and survive as a species. Skin pigmentation shows a straightforward value, as it provides direct photoprotection against sun exposure (incidence of melanoma). However, it is not clear if this photoprotection has represented an evolutionary advantage along human evolution. The strong correlation between skin pigmentation and latitude (UV radiation) supports the idea that skin pigmentation holds an adaptive value. But, although there are several anthropological hypotheses that attempt to explain the present distribution of the normal variability in skin pigmentation in our own species, none of them has actually been tested. Thus, the aim of this project is to investigate the presumed adaptive value of human skin pigmentation. Similarly, this trait can also help us understand the gene tic architecture of complex phenotypic traits, and reveal how despite our general similarity at the genomic level, a reduced set of genetic variants can determine a substantial phenotypic diversity.
Entidad financiadora: Universidad del País Vasco
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University of Salamanca
Biobanks Network
Institute Carlos III
Junta de Castilla y León
European Union
Banco Nacional de ADN
Edificio Multiusos I+D+i (Universidad de Salamanca)
C/ Espejo s/n. 37007 Salamanca
Teléfono de contacto: 923294500. Ext. 5473